
Spring = Turbulent Weather

Spring started off with a swing of warmth; temperatures in the 70's, and sunny skies. Then the weather turned cooler.... and rainier.... and colder still... It feels more like the beginning of winter than the spring. Yesterday's low temp was 38 degrees. Today's was in the 40's.

It's really an inconvenience. It storms, rains, and I can't plant any of the near waist high tomato plants that are in my mini greenhouse. Now the plants are pressing at the top of the enclosure and temperatures for the next week look to hang around 50 or so at night. Frustrating. Down right frustrating.

The Kinguyakkii and Amaruq seem to like it though. 


Hello Spring!

Its amazing how quickly the weather has brightened and warmed. Not long ago this was the view out the sunroom windows.

Now the deep hues of spring are upon us. The rich brown earth, the glassy lake, and the vibrant greens have conquered the view.

Kinguyakkii and Amaruq spend most of the day outside. They sleep, play and monitor their domain. 

But the garden has awakened. I planted radishes and snow peas today. Last week I transplanted baby spinach and leaf lettuce outside. And due to my extreme laziness when it comes to turning the soil in the fall, the green onions came back, a dazzling green in color and twice the size. 

I repotted cherry tomato, regular tomato, green bell pepper, sweet banana pepper, marconi pepper, cilantro and basil seedlings today. I planted some more hot peppers, lettuce, parsley and chives. I read somewhere that chives are one of the easiest herbs to grow, but I haven't gotten a single seed to germinate. The parsley isn't faring much better. Hopefully this time the seeds will cooperate!


Aftermath of the Ice Storm

These photos were taken yesterday after round one of ice. In total we've got about an inch of freezing rain, an inch of sleet and a dusting of snow over it all. One area of the patio has much more due to sleet rolling down the roof. I'll try to take a picture later measuring just how deep it is in that area in front of the back door.

Obviously the huskies weren't thrilled with the sleet pelting them when they went out but the covering of snow helps them get some better traction. This morning I caught them exchanging a greeting... so adorable...